At Pocrass & De Los Reyes we are committed to getting the best results possible for every client we represent. Below is a small sampling of some of the verdicts, settlements and recoveries we have been able to achieve for our clients.* In more than 30 years of advocating for persons wrongfully injured, our record of successes is too long to list here.
We hope you will never need it, but you are welcome to download a Bicycle Collision Report in English or Spanish. Carry it with you when riding. Should you be in a bicycle collision, this will guide you about what information to collect from the other party or parties.
Contact us for a free, no-obligation consultation. Remember, you pay nothing until your case is resolved.
$2.3 Million+ Settlement
Bicycle Accident
A bicyclist was the victim of a hit-and-run accident. The driver claimed she didn’t know she’d hit anyone, but witnesses got the car’s license plate. The bicyclist suffered extremely serious personal injuries and a traumatic brain injury (TBI).
$250,000 Settlement
Bicycle Accident
A driver turned left in front of a cyclist. The cyclist suffered a serious personal injury.
$200,000 Settlement
Bicycle Accident
While riding a tandem bicycle, a couple noticed an unleashed dog running towards them. They stopped the bike and as the wife was getting off the back seat of the bike, the dog caused her to fall. She broke her ankle, which required surgery.
$200,000 Settlement
Bicycle Accident
For a cyclist who suffered serious personal injuries when his wheel lodged into a deep crack in the street while he was riding.
$175,000 Settlement
Bicycle Accident
A cyclist suffered serious personal injuries when he was hit in an intersection with four-way stop signs. The woman claimed she never saw the cyclist.
$100,000 Settlement
Bicycle Accident
A bicyclist was riding on Wilshire Boulevard and was side-swiped by a car. She went over the front of the bike, hitting the handle bars as she flew. She suffered serious personal injuries in the bike accident.

$85,000 Settlement
Bicycle Accident
A vehicle turned left in front of a cyclist causing serious personal injuries and property damage.$65,000 Settlement
Bicycle Accident
A driver of a motor vehicle ran a stop sign in front of a cyclist causing serious personal injuries and property damage.
$60,000 Settlement
Bicycle Accident
A cyclist was hit in a crosswalk.
$50,000 Settlement
Bicycle Accident
A bicyclist was hit by a motor vehicle making a right turn into a driveway while riding on Griffith Park Boulevard in Los Feliz. Our client suffered serious personal injuries as well as a damaged bicycle. The case settled for policy limits.
$50,000 Settlement
Bicycle Accident
A Metro bus hit a cyclist, knocking him off his bike and causing injuries and property damage. MTA came to the scene. Metro disputed that it was their bus, which their own video finally proved.
$50,000 Settlement
Bicycle Accident
The cyclist was riding northbound when an elderly woman turned left in front of him causing the cyclist to be hit by a bus.
$40,000 Settlement
Bicycle Accident
A cyclist was hit by a bus as it passed her.
$40,000 Settlement
Bicycle Accident
A motor vehicle was stopped at a stop sign and started before it was clear. The driver hit the cyclist.
$30,000 Settlement
Bicycle Accident
A bicyclist suffered serious personal injuries when a motor vehicle made a left turn in front of him in Malibu. Ironically, the police had found the cyclist at fault because he was wearing all black. The accident happened in November at 4:55 p.m.
$25,000+ Settlement
Bicycle Accident
While hauling kids’ bicycles to a charity event in Downtown Los Angeles, our client was clipped by a car. The car did not stop was found due to a witness’s identification of the auto’s license plate number. Settled for policy limits and a personal contribution by the driver of the car.
$25,000 Settlement
Bicycle Accident
Our client suffered serious personal injuries when he was rear ended by a car coming off the La Cienega off-ramp of the 10-East freeway while on his bicycle. Settled for policy limits.
$25,000 Settlement
Bicycle Accident
A car pulled out of a home’s driveway and hit the cyclist as she was riding by.
$15,000 Settlement
Bicycle Accident
A car pulled out of a driveway and collided with a cyclist riding by.
$15,000 Settlement
Bicycle Accident
A cyclist was injured when he was “doored.”
$15,000 Settlement
Bicycle Accident
A motor vehicle exiting the freeway made a right turn onto the street in front of a cyclist. Settled for policy limits though the cyclist suffered severe soft tissue injuries.

Contact us for a free, no-obligation consultation. At Pocrass & De Los Reyes, you pay nothing until your case is resolved.
* This does not constitute a guarantee, warranty or prediction regarding the outcome of your legal matter.
“Settled for Policy Limits”
Policy limits is the maximum amount of car insurance held by a driver. Typically your claim for damages – regardless of how bad your damages are – will not exceed the driver’s policy limits.
When your damages are more than the amount of insurance the driver has – or you are hit by an uninsured motorist or involved in a hit-and-run – your own uninsured and underinsured car insurance kicks in. This insurance fills the gap between the amount of insurance the other driver holds and the cost of your actual damages.
California State law does not permit your insurance company to raise your car insurance if you have to use your uninsured motorist insurance.
At pennies on the dollar, it is well worth increasing your uninsured motorist insurance that is part of your own car insurance policy. Contact your insurance company today.